Researchers from Africa Research Institute, Óbuda University held presentations during CTD2023

The Africa Research Institute of the Doctoral School of Safety and Security Sciences at the University of Óbuda and the Center for Military Studies at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa (US CEMIS) hold a hybrid scientific conference on 20 September 2023 entitled ‘Counter-Terrorism, Technology and Development in Africa’ (CTD2023). In the four sections of the symposium, the speakers examine current issues in the fields of human security, socioeconomics, technological development and cybersecurity, and leadership and corporate governance in more than fifty presentations. 

Researchers from Africa Research Institute, Óbuda University also held presentations during CTD2023 in various research fields:

1. First panel (Human Security):

  • Dr. Tobias Burgers & Dr. Scott N. Romaniuk (Fulbright University Vietnam, Vietnam” -„International Centre for Policing and Security, University of South Wales, United Kingdom és Africa Research Institute, Óbuda University, Hungary)

Title of presentation: The „Wagner factor” and beyond? The United Nations, United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), and New Technologies

2. Second panel (Socio-Economic Development):

  • Dr. László Pálfi (Africa Research Institute, Óbuda University, Hungary & Pilecki Institute, Poland)

Title of presentation: Russia’s Relationship with Post-apartheid African Countries and the Former Portuguese African Colonies: A Comparative Study Based on Historical Context

  • Dr. Péter Gergő Juhász (Africa Research Institute, Óbuda University, Hungary)

Title of presentation: Food supply chain as an element of the critical infrastructure

  • Prof. dr. János Besenyő (Africa Research Institute, Óbuda University, Hungary)

Title of presentation: The impact of the Russian- Ukrainian conflict on Africa

  • Csaba Szeremley (Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences of the Óbuda University, Hungary)

Title of presentation: Role of risk analysis in food safety

3. Third panel (Technology & Cyber Security):

  • Szilvia Veress Juhaszné (Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences, Óbuda University, Hungary)

Title of presentation: International food safety alarm systems. The RASFF and the TRACES

  • Richard Schneider (Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences, Óbuda University, Hungary)

Title of presentation: Artificial intelligence for crisis management – new approaches in Africa using the example of Uganda

  • Jordán Petrőcz (Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences, Óbuda University, Hungary)

Title of presentation: Turkish military training in Somalia

4. Fourth szekció (Leadership & Governance):

  • Mmaphuti Felicia Langa (Óbuda University, Hungary)

Title of presentation: An assessment of South Africa’s vulnerability to terrorism financing and the counter- terrorist financing framework

  • Dr. Andrea Hanna Sólyomfi & Győző Atkári (Africa Research Institute, Óbuda University & Hungarian Defence Force, Hungary)

Title of presentation: The changing dynamics of terrorism in Africa under the shadow of the Russia-Ukraine war

  • Dr. Scott N. Romaniuk & Dr. Tobias Burgers (International Centre for Policing and Security, University of South Wales, United Kingdom és Africa Research Institute, Óbuda University, Hungary – Fulbright University Vietnam, Vietnam

Title of presentation: The expansion of Chinese policing and surveillance models, and African security governance: technological fix or security fixation

  • Marcell Pintér (Doctoral School on Safety and Security Sciences, Óbuda University, Hungary)

Title of presentation: The Impact of the Russo- Ukrainian War on the Competition over Africa from the Chinese Perspective

The annual event is part of the cooperation between the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Security Engineering, University of Óbuda and the Center for Military Studies, University of Stellenbosch that was signed in April 2021.

The official booklet is available here:

#ctd_africa23 #OU_ARI