Call for Application: Humanitarian Response Manager Specialised Training

Humanitarian Response Manager special training at Óbuda University Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering!

The aim of the training is to provide interdependent, up-to-date professional and marketable knowledge, and practical skills to professionals working in jobs related to the ever-expanding field of humanitarian operations / response. 

More information and application:

Who is the training for?

We recommend the training to all graduates who want to work in the humanitarian field and who – in addition to a wide range of theoretical knowledge – want to enrich their knowledge by the expertise of experienced civilian and uniformed professionals of international humanitarian operations, before they begin their work in practise. We also recommend the training for professionals who are already working in the field of humanitarian response but have not yet been involved in fieldwork, whether they want to take part in humanitarian action on behalf of governmental or international (civilian or uniformed) or non-governmental organisations. In addition, of course, we welcome all those as well who are keen to broaden their knowledge in this field based on their personal interests.