On 13 May 2023, a medical mission is to be organised by Planetrise Association and Óbuda University Africa Research Institute to Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. During the two-week trip, six Hungarian doctors will assist their local colleagues.
The team consists of Dr Zsuzsa Balogh and Dr Andrea Pálffy, ophthalmologists (eyespecialist), Dr Nelli Nepp, Dr István Bartku and Dr Róbert Késmárszky, ENT (ear, nose and throat) specialists. The ENT specialists will be assisted by Dr Krisztina Tóth, anaesthetist. The assistance of the doctors was requested by the Ethiopian Ministry of Health through the Embassy of Hungary to Ethiopia. The Embassy will provide effective assistance in the preparation of the mission as well as during the stay abroad.
The doctors were trained on 6 May by the staff of the Africa Research Institute of the Óbuda University. Dr. habil. János Besenyő, founder and head of the Institute, welcomed the participants, followed by Dr. Marianna Kármán, Africa researcher, who gave a presentation on Ethiopia, including its main geographical, cultural, religious and linguistic features, as well as security and safety issues. After a nice lunch, the team was “treated” by Krisztina Tóth, a mental health specialist. During the two and a half hours of training, the missionaries discussed a number of topics that will help them in their work on-the-ground.
The main sponsor of the association’s medical mission to Ethiopia is Hungary Helps Agency Zrt.