New issue: 2022/2!
Our latest issue at JCEEAS is available: https://jceeas.bdi.uni-obuda.hu/index.php/jceeas/issue/view/5 #JCEEAS #OU_ARI
The official program of the CTD 2022 is finally out!
Three continents, more than a dozen countries represented by almost 50 presenters, scientists, practitioners, with various civilian and military backgrounds. To register for offline or online participation, please click on the following link:
CTD 2022 international conference: available online and offline!
This year’s ‘Counter-Terrorism, Technology and Development in Africa’ Conference, organised by Óbuda University’s Africa Research Institute and Stellenbosch University’s Centre for Military Studies will be a hybrid conference, both online and offline! The conference will take place as an official program of the Africa Aerospace and Defense Expo in South Africa. #ctd_africa22 #AAD2022
Call for Application: Humanitarian Response Manager Specialised Training
Humanitarian Response Manager special training at Óbuda University Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering! The aim of the training is to provide interdependent, up-to-date professional and marketable knowledge, and practical skills to professionals working in jobs related to the ever-expanding field of humanitarian operations / response. More information and application: https://bgk.uni-obuda.hu/humanitarian-response-manager/?fbclid=IwAR1p3CBlaeq8TLvuiI5tBMT3o7fV9dUPnduR0DF4GCSIMYMLXA2Rv4-Nj6g Who is the […]
The first year of the Humanitarian Response Manager specialised training has come to its end
The majority of the students who had previously successfully completed the reuirements recieved their certificates on 15 July 2022 on the campus of the Óbuda University. The Africa Research Institute participated in the program with five researchers running a major part in the curriculum, “in return” several students chose African topics for their theses. For […]
CALL FOR PAPERS: CTD 2022 international conference
The Centre for Military Studies (CEMIS) from Stellenbosch University (South Africa) and the Africa Research Institute from Óbuda University (Hungary), and in partnership with the Africa Aerospace and Defence Expo, invite papers for the 2022 International conference on “Counter Terrorism, Technology and Development in Africa” to be held online and on-site in Pretoria and Budapest on 22 September 2022. #ctd_africa22 #africa #aerospace #terrorism #counterterrorism #development#africaresearchinstitute #obudauniversity #stellenbosch
New issue: 2022/1!
Our latest issue at JCEEAS is available: https://jceeas.bdi.uni-obuda.hu/index.php/jceeas/issue/view/4 #JCEEAS #OU_ARI
Online conference co-organized by Óbuda University Africa Research Institute, Stellenbosch University, and Jagellonian University
On April 27, 2022, the African Research Institute of the Doctoral School of Safety and Security Sciences, University of Óbuda, will hold a joint online conference with the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa and the Jagiellonian University in Poland entitled ‘The Visegrad Countries and Africa: History and Contemporaneity‘. The event is open to all interested parties.
The Russian-Ukranian war and Africa
Today on the morning program of Spirit FM radio, János Besenyő, head of the African Research Institute, spoke about the effects of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on the African conflict.