News – Events

  • Women and terrorism

    The number of female perpetrators in terrorist groups has increased recently all over the world. Women play various roles: fighters, suicide bombers, recruiters, helpers etc. Women are also used increasingly for attacks as, due to cultural reasons, they tend to be checked less by security forces. But why do women join terrorist groups? What programs […]

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  • CTD 2021 Conference invitation

    The Centre for Military Studies (CEMIS) from Stellenbosch University (South Africa) and the Africa Research Institute of the Óbuda University (Hungary) kindly invites you to the 2021 International Virtual conference on “Counter-Terrorism, Technology and Development in Africa” on 22 September 2021. For the detailed programme and the registration, please follow the website. #ctd_africa21 #OU_ARI

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  • Partnership and cooperation agreement – Africa in focus

    On April 6, 2021 the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering of Óbuda University and Stellenbosch University of South Africa (SU) signed a cooperation agreement. The agreement between the Africa Research Institute operating under the auscipes of the OE BGK Doctoral School of Security Studies and the Center for Military Studies (CEMIS) of […]

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  • The first double issue of the Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies (2021/1-2) is available!

    On August 3, the first double issue of the Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies (JCEEAS) finally arrived! The latest issue of the electronic version of the journal that is published four times a year with dozens of scientific articles and book reviews. The 2021/1-2 issue is available here: Vol. 1 No. 1-2 […]

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  • Cooperation Agreement with Stellenbosch University (South Africa)

    On April 6, 2021 the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering of Óbuda University and Stellenbosch University of South Africa (SU) signed a cooperation agreement. The agreement between the Africa Research Institute operating under the auscipes of the OE BGK Doctoral School of Security Studies and the Center for Military Studies (CEMIS) of […]

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  • ICCECIP 2020

    On November 17, 2020, our researchers participated in the second ‘International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection‘ (ICCECIP) as section leaders and lecturers. For more information:

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  • ISCS 2020

    On November 5-6 2020, our researchers participated as organizers and speakers at the ‘International Scientific Conference Strategies XXI, The complex and dynamic nature of the security environment‘. For more information:

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  • ICCECIP 2019

    ICCECIP 2019, the ‘International Conference on Central European Critical Infrastructure Protection‘, was held at the Donát Bánki Faculty of Mechanical and Safety Engineering of the University of Óbuda as part of the Hungarian Science Festival on 18-19th of November. Our colleagues and researchers from the African Research Institute also attended. For more information about the […]

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  • Russia: A strategic alternative? – Prof. János Besenyő at CNBC Africa

    During the Cold War Russia was seeking to find a way to counter the influence of its rivals such as the US. So, it had began to develop diplomatic relations with its African counterparts. After some intermission during the 1990s, Russian-African relations have started to flourish when Putin came to power in 1999. While the […]

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