The official booklet is out! – „Counter-Terrorism, Technology and Development in Africa” international conference (CTD2023)

The Africa Research Institute of the Doctoral School of Safety and Security Sciences at the University of Óbuda and the Center for Military Studies at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa (US CEMIS) hold a hybrid scientific conference on 20 September 2023 entitled ‘Counter-Terrorism, Technology and Development in Africa’ (CTD2023). In the four sections of the symposium, the speakers examine current issues in the fields of human security, socioeconomics, technological development and cybersecurity, and leadership and corporate governance in more than fifty presentations. Written versions of the presentations at the conference will be included in the next issues of the quarterly scientific journal of the Journal of Central and Eastern European African Studies, which is listed by the African Research Institute.

The annual event is part of the cooperation between the Bánki Donát Faculty of Mechanical and Security Engineering, University of Óbuda and the Center for Military Studies, University of Stellenbosch that has been signed in April 2021.

  • Panel 1: Human security perspective
  • Panel 2: Socio-Economic development
  • Panel 3: Technology and cyber-security
  • Panel 4: Leadership and corporate governance

The official booklet is available here:

#ctd_africa23 #OU_ARI